History Didn't Just Happen

New Haven Independent | January 25th, 2018

History Didn't Just Happen

New Haven Independent

 Bree Newsome at Yale. Markeshia Ricks for the New Haven Independent.  Bree Newsome at Yale. Markeshia Ricks for the New Haven Independent. 

When activist Bree Newsome climbed into the history books by scaling a flagpole on the South Carolina statehouse grounds and removing the Confederate flag, many people assumed that one very fed up black woman had taken spontaneous action.

Newsome disabused a crowd gathered at Yale University’s Battell Chapel of that notion Wednesday evening. She told them that her act of resistance three years ago — which sparked a national reconsideration of honoring the Confederacy — wasn’t spontaneous at all but the result of meticulous planning and collective decision-making by nine activists.

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