Arts Paper
As the editorially independent arm of The Arts Council of Greater New Haven, the Arts Paper seeks to celebrate, explore, and investigate the fine, visual, performing and culinary arts in and around New Haven.
A strip from Hubert's comic. Lucy Gellman Photos. A meteor has hit the New Haven Green. Rocks and grass are flying through the air; flames lick the space’s central fountain and flagpole. Smoke is everywhere. And any humans on site—stopping with their skateboards, running for their buses—are transforming into aliens by the second. They’ve got black, glassy eyes, green skin, and slimy tentacles erupting from their sides. Only one New Havener, a woman named Genesis, doesn’t seem to be affected. That’s not the latest news on the Green, but Kaleo Hubert’s vision for “Star Storm,” a new comic strip that puts New Haven front and center, and tells its story through a Black woman’s eyes. With 10 other high school students, Hubert is one of this year’s Public Art Fellows (PAF) with Site Projects, Inc., a nonprofit that supports and funds public art in New Haven. After working for six weeks weeks with graphic artists Rob Greenberg, Matt Stevens and Amie Ziner, all 11 fellows will have a final exhibition and reception this Sunday at the Ely Center of Contemporary Art. Festivities run from 2 to 6 p.m. and are free and open to the public. More information is available here.
Jazz legend Jesse Hameen II with some of the summer fellows. Site Projects Photo.